I’m so ready to feel normal again!! Yesterday was a bit rough – despite sleeping pretty well I still felt like my head was disconnected from my body when I woke up. One of the side effects of Perjetta is diarrhea, and that hit me as well. Fortunately, Immodium fixed that issue, but my digestion is still just not quite right. I feel hungry, but nothing sounds good. I’ve been eating anyway, but the insides of my mouth are still sore. I’ve been doing warm water rinses with 1 cup of water and 1/2 tsp of salt and 1/2 tsp of baking soda. They help a bit. So does chewing gum.

I never got out of my pajamas yesterday. Probably not the best idea. My mom always says you feel better when you get dressed – she’s right of course! I did have more energy yesterday than I did on Christmas Day, but I just took it easy. Played some table games with the girls, watched movies, and got some work done on the computer.

At the end of the day, I realized that I was starting to feel trapped in my own body, and wondering if I would ever feel like myself again. Those who deal with chronic illness must feel like this all the time. I can’t even imagine!

Today has been better. I feel like I’m turning the corner toward “normal” – whatever that is anymore. It’s been a week since my port was placed, so I was able to take my bandages off and take a proper shower – amazing!! (There are two incisions from the port, and you can see the one where the catheter is connected in the photo. The port itself is actually a little farther down.) I did some yoga, ate a good lunch, and now I’m looking forward to seeing my parents and my brother’s family soon.

Even better than all of that, I had a nice chat with God this morning too – gave Him my fears, anxiety, any negative attitude that I had, and asked Him to replace them with His JOY, PEACE, and HOPE for a better day! (I wish I could remember to do that EVERY day!) Thanks again for your thoughts and prayers – I still need them!