Thanks so much for praying for me as I went to my echocardiogram today! Kent offered me his N95 mask that he has used for woodworking, and I also wore the nitrile gloves that I wear for soapmaking. They had someone at the door who asked if I had been out of the country, if I had a fever or if I had been in contact with anyone with the coronavirus. I passed the test, so she gave me a sticker that said “screened” with a check mark on it.
All of the employees were wearing masks, and some also had face shields. The tech who did the echo was the same one who did my first one. When she called me back, I mentioned that and she said, “sorry, I don’t remember” and I was like, “well, you can’t exactly see my face.” Then after I got changed into the gown, I was reminding her that my husband was the IT guy and it was when she had all the trouble getting her machine to boot up and ended up having to use a different machine – then she said, “Oh yes! Now I remember! You had just gotten your port!” YEP. I must say it was much more fascinating to watch the screens when I was fully alert today, compared to when I was coming off anesthesia. As she was finishing up she told me that my heart looked good, but I didn’t hear it from her… Thank you, Lord!!!
Not sure if this is a chemo side effect, but right before dinner I started seeing weird colorful light flashes in my left peripheral vision. All through dinner they kept changing, and creeping toward the center of my vision. They switched from being colored to white, then just blurry. Then after dinner I went upstairs to fold my clothes that I had washed as soon as I got home from my appointment and realized that my vision was back to normal. It was very strange and I hope it doesn’t happen again!
And finally, here’s a sneak peek at the peppermint soap I made today for a friend in Clay Center:

Yes, thank You Lord!!! Praising Him with you, Amy!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂
Amy Warden
That sounds great Amy, I’m happy that the doc have checked your heart and have good news!! Your soap looks amazing yummy , what a hapiness for your soul? Hugs, Tina
Amy Warden
Thank you, Tina! It is always wonderful to make soap! 😀
Janet Matherly
Hallelujah, God is so Good! Wonderful to hear your echo showed nothing abnormal! Will begin prayers that your eyes are protected from harm.
Really like the color of your soap, your friend is blessed.
Continued 🙏🙏🙏🙏 that you’re body will heal.
Amy Warden
I’m very glad to have that knowledge! Thank you for your continued prayers! ♥️
Denise Wilhelm
So glad the tech was able to give you that reassurance! ❤️
Amy Warden
Yes, it was very nice of her!! ♥️
Amy, we are praying for you. I follow a young mom who is fighting too. She had radiation and said kinda crazy to risk you health to save your health. Stay strong .. you inspire me. Yep being a soap maker and my hubs working on stuff we have a couple of masks and gloves , soap too. Hugs 🤗
Amy Warden
Yes, it’s a strange thing to have weigh benefits vs risks right now!! I sure appreciate your continued prayers! ♥️
Cindy O’Dower
I love your peppermint soap! Your vision issue sounds like a migraine aura. I’ve had a few and they come and go within 30 minutes – a sometimes with a headache, sometimes not. Wonder if that’s what you had? So happy your heart is healthy. ❤️
Amy Warden
I was thinking it was the precursor to a migraine, but when I looked it up I realized that the weird vision stuff can be the actual migraine. Probably was!
Praise the Lord it all went well and thank God you had protection. We still pray for you everyday!!! 🥰😷👏❤️
Amy Warden
So very grateful for the good report and your continued prayers, Leslie! ♥️
Oh Amy… so glad your heart is looking great! Glad they checked! Keep staying positive and making your beautiful soap!!
Praying your vision experience was a one time fluke!
Miss seeing you!!!
Amy Warden
Miss you too, Sarah!! ♥️
Allyson Loper
I’m so glad everything was ok and I am so glad that you took protection while going there to get the test done. I pray for you daily even though I don’t post. The soap is lovely looking!