Last night as I was going to sleep, I received a Facebook message from a soapmaker whom I’ve never met: “73 people are lifting you up in prayer tonight. Sleep well!” And I did. Finally got myself up this morning after 9:30, after waking up once in the night – which was good because I needed to take my ibuprofen and antibiotic. I emptied my drains and noticed that there was no fluid in drain #4 – which actually isn’t good! I called the plastic surgeon’s office and the nurse called me right back. She said I needed to “strip” the tubing to help pull out any fibrous tissue that could be blocking it. Kent helped me with that, and sure enough something came through the tube then!
Then more blessings started arriving. I received a message from the Soap Challenge Club letting me know that in addition to having the secret challenge in May, they had collected voluntary entry fees because “we wanted you to have a good month even though you had other things happening.” Whaaaaat??? This was way more than I could have ever imagined!
The beautiful bouquet of flowers is from my parents! That was also a fun surprise! Then I received a sweet card with a Walmart gift card from some church friends in the mail, and Amazon delivered drain pouches that were gifted to me by another awesome friend! The blue ones are for holding them in the shower, and the pink ones are on a belt for every day use.

I really did take it easy today. The hardest thing I did was start a new puzzle that my sister-in-law let me borrow. I love how colorful it is!

I even laid down for a quick nap this afternoon when I got tired, and finally got a shower as well. That felt amazing! Still taking pain meds as needed, but really just to stay on top of things. I haven’t felt more than a little sore. Looking forward to another good night of sleep tonight. Thanks for praying! I feel each one!
Deb Bonsall
Love reading that you are doing well!
Janet Matherly
Nothing better than ready how well is goes for you. Iām so happy to hear of all the blessings you are receiving.
Iām continuing in šššš For no pain and healing. Thank You Yeshua for watching over our sister and being there through all. Thank you for your loving touch upon her life. In your mighty and power Name, Amen!
Susan Lovercheck
Dear Amy,
This is Susan, your Mom’s cousin. I was overjoyed to hear your “CANCER FREE!” report!!
You are much in my prayers! I have been specifically praying regarding any pain and also for speedy healing.
May our DEAR LORD continue to bless, keep and heal you speedily as you continue to rest in HIM.
Much love, many prayers!