Amy Warden

Amy Warden

Getting It Off My Chest

Welcome to my blog!

I was diagnosed with breast cancer on Wednesday, December 4, 2019. I have chosen to record my journey so that my friends, family members, and anyone else who might be interested can follow my progress. I’m still in the early stages of treatment – as in, my first chemo infusion will be tomorrow! It’s been a whirlwind of emotions as I’ve processed what I’m about to endure, but I’ve already decided it’s a done deal! I’m getting this tumor off my chest for good!

My blog post entries can be found under “The Journey” from newest to oldest. If you want to find out how this all began, start with this post.

By all means, please sign the guest book to let me know you were here, keep me in your prayers, and if you want to know what else might be helpful, check out this post.