I am very happy to say that today was a very good day!! Started my morning driving myself to the dentist to get a routine cleaning, and received a clean bill of dental health. My dentist gave me a prescription strength double fluoride toothpaste to continue to protect my teeth.

I ran a couple errands – in public! – and fortunately, there weren’t that many people at Aldi or Sam’s. Still have to protect my immune system, which can be a bit tricky in the wintertime. Then I came home and made myself some avocado egg salad for lunch, which is still a favorite ever since my soapmaking friend Carmen introduced me to it when I met her in March!

After lunch I needed to rest for a bit, so I found a cheesy Christmas movie on Amazon Prime. (All the Christmas movies are disappearing on January 6th, so now is definitely the time to watch!)

I spent the afternoon picking up the house, cleaning the bathroom, dusting and sweeping the floor since none of that had been done for awhile, and it felt really good to have the energy to do it! (Extra motivation provided when we invited some of our church friends over to play games!)

If you need a good belly laugh, just play Hedbanz and Telestrations with your adult friends. You can feel ridiculous together in your headbands and seriously crack up at your inability to draw.

I still get a kick out of this video from 2011 when we first got the Hedbanz game and our neighbor (who was 2 1/2 at the time) wanted to play:

I’m not planning to stay up until midnight, and it’s not just because I’ve had a full day. I almost never stay up that late – even on New Year’s Eve!

Thanks again for praying me this far. While I’m not quite “healthy,” it feels like I’ve reached a true milestone today. Looking forward to more days like this one!

Wishing you all a very Happy and Blessed New Year!