This morning I knew I needed to sit down with my journal and have a conversation with the Lord, Freedom Diaries style. It’s a rather amazing experience to hear Him speak this way. I don’t always trust myself to know His voice, and yet there are times when it’s so obviously Him that it just brings me to tears. I told Him that I’ve been feeling disconnected from Him lately and needing to hear from Him. His response: “Just yield to me. Yield to my love for you. It hasn’t changed. I still love and accept you as you are. I accept you in your brokenness. I have come to make you whole in every way. I can heal your broken heart. I can heal your sickness and disease. I have every intention of doing so. Trust me in the process.”
And in the days ahead as we face the coronavirus He said I am to continue to send out His message of hope – hope in the resurrection, and hope of spending eternity with Him where there is no more sickness or death. He said, “Every day I speak wisdom to anyone who will listen. I have opened hearts and ears to receive my message all over the world. They are eager to listen and searching for truth. They will recognize my voice and believe it is me. Share what you hear from me so others can learn to recognize my voice.”
“Write what you hear, Amy. In these days of isolation, you have been here. You already know how this works. Many will struggle to find purpose and meaning, but I am here to be with you and everyone else. No one is alone. I am here. I offer myself to you and anyone who will hear my voice. This is not a time for fear. Reach out to me. Feel my presence, feel my love. Talk to me about your fears, and then give them to me. Whatever you need, I am the answer.”
I hope that message encourages you!! If you want to learn to hear His voice too, I would highly recommend ordering the Freedom Diaries. It’s mind blowing that the God who created the universe wants to have a relationship with each one of us – real, live conversations. He’s always speaking – it’s just up to us to listen.
I’m also happy to report that today was a good day for me. I’m itching to make soap again, but first I’m working on getting a tutorial put together for April for the Soap Challenge Club.
Janet Matherly
Beautiful enlightenment of the Holy Spirit reassuring you that He hasn’t left you! During these times I pray for those who do not know The Savior, and hope they will soon!
Happy to rejoice in that you were feeling better♥️