It was Tara’s turn to go on a bear hunt with me today. It was interesting how many Kylie and I had missed on the same path – even finding a second bear at some of the houses from yesterday!

We also spotted a neighbor who has toilet paper for sale if we ever get desperate! Although I can’t quite read all of the second sign, “Buyer Beware” and “may come slightly used” with a poop emoji is definitely disconcerting!

Besides bear hunting, I also made soap today!! This is a custom batch of Dead Sea Spa Bars. It’s still one of my favorite batches to make – although I nearly forgot to add the essential oils today. Chemo brain is REAL.

I did hear back from my nurse today confirming that my oncologist wants me to go ahead and get the echocardiogram done tomorrow. I’m actually glad so that I can find out for sure how my heart is holding up. Planning to wear gloves for sure, and appreciate your prayers of protection! I found out today that a close friend’s husband tested positive for COVID19, so I’m praying for them for sure. This virus may get worse before it gets better, but I still trust that God is good and choosing faith over fear.
Janet Matherly
Amen Sister Faith over Fear! Your life belongs to Yeshua and he is with you. Praying all protection going for your test and praying and hoping all is well with your heart, in the powerful and might name of the one true Savior! Amen!