I had an appointment with the plastic surgeon Dr. Storm today. He refilled my tissue expanders one last time before my surgery to get my permanent implants on July 14. I still don’t have an exact time for that surgery yet. Dr. Storm said the hospital usually waits until the last minute to schedule it in case something comes up. The nurse let me know that I won’t need drains this time – hooray!! It will be an outpatient procedure, so I don’t even have to spend the night.

Monday will be my next round of antibody infusions (herceptin and perjeta) and it should go much smoother and quicker than last time! I still don’t feel like I’ve had any real side effects from the infusions. I do have a little bit of joint pain in my knees from the hormone blocker pills, but only after I’ve been standing for awhile, and then bend my knees.

For the most part, I feel like I’m gaining energy and growing hair little by little! It will be interesting to see how my labs come back on Monday. I’m really hoping that I’m building back my red blood counts and hemoglobin. I don’t get as winded from my walks which is a great sign!

I’ve been working on the July soap challenge tutorial. Registration will open on Monday for that as well. We are doing natural stone techniques like marble and river rocks, and I’ve really enjoyed making the soaps for the videos! Here’s a sneak peek:

Tara’s boyfriend also came for a visit for several days and asked if he could make soap with me. Well, of course!! Ty is raising funds for his senior film project called “The Weatherman” so I suggested that we do a rain cloud soap design, so he can receive the profits from the sales. It won’t be ready for another 4 weeks, but here’s what we made:

It sure feels good to have my energy back! Now if we can just figure out how to solve the global pandemic, perhaps life would feel just a bit more normal!