Yesterday I had my sixth round of antibody infusions (herceptin and perjeta). My oncologist checked my cellulitis and said it looked like I should be fine if I finish out my antibiotics. He really didn’t have a solid answer as to where it came from. His best guess was bacteria came in through my port at some point, which would make sense since it’s on the same side. He scheduled me for another echocardiogram for the end of October, and we agreed that my last antibody infusion would be December 1st – which means only three more to go!! After that, my port can come out and I’ll continue to take hormone blockers and see Dr. Corum a couple times a year.
I finished up my infusions before noon, and then got to meet my awesome friend Summer and her parents for lunch at Hayward’s. They wanted some authentic Kansas City barbeque, and they got it! Summer had never had cheesy corn before, so that was a treat.
Since they are on an extended road trip headed west, and I suggested that they spend the night at my parent’s house. For as long as Summer and I have been friends, she had never met my parents, and it certainly felt strange knowing she was going to meet them without me there! The reports I’ve heard from both sides were good though, so I’m glad it went well!
I’ve been working on getting my dresser painted, and it should be finished by the end of the week! The drawer fronts are done, just need to finish up the rest of the dresser. I guess that will be my next reveal!
Thank you for sharing your journey 💜🌻💜🌻
Amy Warden
So nice to hear from you, Brenda! ♥️
Janet Matherly
Yeshua’s has you and will continue watching over. I know you will be great fun to have the port gone! Hurry freedom coming soon for ya. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Amy Warden
Yep, that part will be pretty awesome!! 🙂