So for me, nearly normal means I feel good enough to make soap! This one was an experiment for sure. I asked my Instagram followers for ideas and they really came through! Several mentioned Spring colors – specifically pastel rainbow, and one gave me the idea to pipe the soap into the mold and tap it down to see what pattern it would create. So that’s what I did! (We use a lot of cake decorating techniques in soapmaking, actually.)
Here’s the result:

I’ve also received more Valentines! The left and center ones came from soapmaking friends, and of course the one on the right is from my parents. Very sweet – thank you!!

I love being able to do my normal activities like volunteering for student ministry on Wednesday night, and going to my usual Thursday meetings and prayer group. I don’t love having to tell everyone that I won’t see them next week since it’s treatment week again! However, the time just keeps moving right along.
This afternoon I had my weekly phone call with my mom a day early, and it just so happened that my mother-in-law was also in town for a couple hours, so the three of us got to chat!
If my nose wasn’t drippy and I didn’t feel so weary in the evenings and I didn’t have to sleep on a wedge, I’d actually feel pretty normal! How cool is that? Every single day I get reminders that people are praying for me. It’s working!!!
Glad you are feeling “normal”. And that soap is amazing!!!
Amy Warden
Thank you, Jamie! Sounds like we need to brush up on our MP skills next! 😆
Kathy Ford
Very pretty soap. Hugs and continued prayers.
Amy Warden
Thank you, Kathy!! ♥️
So glad your now normal is close to your normal before cancer.
Praying your next treatment recovery time is quick!
Amy Warden
It sure seems like each cycle gets easier, which is kinda crazy except when you know how many people are praying! God is so good!!
Allyson Loper
Love how the soap turned out. It is so spring and cheery! I always pray you feel normal before another treatment. Makes me feel like you are going in it with the best foot forward as possible. Praying for you on Monday!
Amy Warden
That’s the best prayer you can offer, Allyson! And I’m glad you like the soap. 🙂