So for me, nearly normal means I feel good enough to make soap! This one was an experiment for sure. I asked my Instagram followers for ideas and they really came through! Several mentioned Spring colors – specifically pastel rainbow, and one gave me the idea to pipe the soap into the mold and tap it down to see what pattern it would create. So that’s what I did! (We use a lot of cake decorating techniques in soapmaking, actually.)

Here’s the result:

I’ve also received more Valentines! The left and center ones came from soapmaking friends, and of course the one on the right is from my parents. Very sweet – thank you!!

I love being able to do my normal activities like volunteering for student ministry on Wednesday night, and going to my usual Thursday meetings and prayer group. I don’t love having to tell everyone that I won’t see them next week since it’s treatment week again! However, the time just keeps moving right along.

This afternoon I had my weekly phone call with my mom a day early, and it just so happened that my mother-in-law was also in town for a couple hours, so the three of us got to chat!

If my nose wasn’t drippy and I didn’t feel so weary in the evenings and I didn’t have to sleep on a wedge, I’d actually feel pretty normal! How cool is that? Every single day I get reminders that people are praying for me. It’s working!!!