One of the side effects from the chemo that hasn’t quite gone away yet is the swelling (lymphedema) in my legs and ankles. It’s not terrible – I get sock lines around my ankles and my legs just feel heavier than normal. I emailed my nurse navigator about it today though and I’m glad I did! She wants me to meet with the lymphedema specialist at the Cancer Center who can measure the fluid under my skin and even deeper, apparently! My appointment will be next Tuesday, May 5.
In the meantime, I will continue to go for walks – I finally convinced Kylie to go with me to Blackbob Park this afternoon (photo above)! And I will continue to wear my stylish compression socks, and try to keep my legs elevated whenever possible:

Thanks for your continued prayers! Surgery is two weeks away! I also told my nurse navigator that I don’t like the idea of taking narcotics. She said to talk to my surgeon and anesthesiologist about my options. They may be able to give me something “lighter” to take the edge off.
I’ve also been making some fun soaps recently. Here’s the latest one, freshly poured in the mold:

Janet Matherly
I will concentrate on prayers for the swelling and will also be praying for the surgery pain to be minimal. Glad you have some snazzy compression socks!
Great vibrant soap colors! The design is great!
Amy Warden
Thank you, Janet! The socks came from Kenna! 😀
Angélique Heiligers
Hi Amy, I love your socks 🙂🙂 and I am glad to see that you are doing great 💕💕 And wooooow I looooove the top of your new soap (and pink is my Favo so already for the top and color choice you get a 10+ 😃😃) Please share the cut 😘😘
I wish you a great day and I will pray that the swelling will be gone soon!! Big Swiss hugs, Angélique 💕💕
Amy Warden
The socks really are fab! I will share the cut soaps – no worries. 😀 Thanks for the prayers and hugs!
Prayers my sweet friend, it was good to see you yesterday through the door anyway…you look amazing, you are so brave, I am so glad you are doing well, but I know it is your attitude…that is so important….prayers, prayers, prayers for you!
Amy Warden
Great to see you too! Thank you for your continued prayers! ♥️
Deb Bonsall
Will pray about the swelling!!
Amy Warden
Thanks, Deb! I’m already feeling everyone’s prayers! ♥️