The story of my life is putting puzzles together the past few days! I’m so glad my sister-in-law shared them with me! I started and finished another 750-piece one on Saturday, and started on this 2000-piece one on Sunday. And by started, I mean I spent several hours starting to separate the pieces. I finished separating them this morning, and had to get an extra table so I would have room to work! The photo above is my progress as of today (Monday).
On Saturday morning, Kylie and I went to our church parking lot where the band was having a drive-through senior send-off, AND saying good bye to both of the band directors.
I realized Saturday night that my ankles were getting quite swollen – probably because I wasn’t being very diligent about getting up and walking around every 15 minutes. I’ve since started setting 15 minute alarms on my phone whenever I sit down to work on my puzzle, and I can tell it’s helping! Here’s how they looked yesterday:
I gave my drain output report to the nurse at Dr. Storm’s office this afternoon, and two of the four drains are ready to come out! One is really close, and the last one has a little way to go. She said I could come in any time to get the first two removed; however, it’s one on either side so it wouldn’t really help that much. I already have a follow-up appointment scheduled for Thursday, so I’m planning to wait until then. There’s a good chance three of them will come out, and if I’m left with one for a little longer that’s ok too!
I’ve been able to space out the narcotics a bit, but wish I could go even longer or just be done with them. They definitely help me sleep at night, but prayers for pain to be gone would be appreciated! The mobility in my arms is still really good , and I figure reaching for puzzle pieces should be helping. Overall, I’m feeling stronger each day!
Also I joined the Facebook avatar craze:
Great to read the update Amy. I’m impressed with your patience in doing your puzzles. All those colours :). I’ve been lifting you in prayer and will pray for your pain to be gone!
Amy Warden
Thank you, Leanne!! The colors and details really help and make it fun! 😀
Janet Matherly
Good to hear you are progressing forward as expected and so very glad you do have your puzzles to keep your mind active now to keep your body active more to ward of the swelling. Remember to not let the pain build up too much before taking your pain medicine as if you wait too long it is harder for it to ease the level back down
Will for sure continue in prayer for reduced pain and for a great report from Drs for Thursday!
Amy Warden
Thank you, Janet! Yes, I’m definitely trying to be smart about the pain meds. Will let you know how my appointment goes!
Keep going Amy. I’m happy to pray for you to feel good all over! I too have to walk around. When TV is on (. Always) I walk when there’s a commercial. There are so many commercials!
I hope your doctor appointment goes well and is helpful Does someone go with you? I look forward to your report!
Amy Warden
So the nurse told me that very thing – get up during the commercials. However, we haven’t watched regular TV with commercials for quite a few years! Ha ha! I’m sure Kent will go with me for my appointment. 😊