The weekend before last was Kylie’s high school graduation and we had a great time with family and friends! Today she had bunion surgery – and she’s been waiting a LONG time for this! Here are the before and afters (not quite the same angle, but you get the idea):

I admit it was a little different being on the caretaker side of the surgery. Dr. Schmidt told me that it wouldn’t take the full two hours that the OR was reserved, but to expect to talk to him afterward in about that amount of time. It was actually closer to two and a half hours before they called me back to talk to him, but he assured me that everything went well! She’s all set up and comfy now, and hasn’t really had any pain. Dr. told her to start taking meds as soon as it started feeling a little bit tingly, so she’s staying on top of it. She’ll have her first follow-up the day after my surgery next week, so Kent will have to take her in for that.

Right before we left for the surgery center this morning, I got the call from the nurse at Olathe Medical to let me know that my surgery is scheduled for 10:30am next Tuesday, with an arrival time of 8:30. I’m hoping this will be the FINAL surgery to get my right implant put back in. It should be pretty easy since I won’t be getting a drain this time.
Since my last post, I took the new hormone blocker Exemestane for about a week before I started noticing that it was making my heart race. When I told the nurse, she said she would inform Dr. Corum and to stop taking it until further notice. That was over a week ago. I figured Dr. Corum may have gone on vacation, but I should probably check in again just to see what he will recommend next.
After all the graduation excitement, we are starting to settle into a summer routine. It’s nice to have Tara home again, although she’s working quite a bit. Kylie’s routine will be a bit different until she can walk on her right foot again. We are praying for a speedy recovery for her!
Janet Matherly
Yes I’ve been in constant prayer regarding your upcoming and FINAL surgery! And will continue asking our Savior to continue healing your body !
Extra prayers that Kylie’s pain be lessened especial for this first day postop day! May the healing be swift for this active young lady!
Amy Warden
Your prayers are always appreciated, Janet! Thank you for caring for me and my family in this way.
barbara wilde
Holey Moley! That is quite a difference in her foot now! May it forever stay that good looking! I’ll check back later this week to see how you’re doing. Hugs and love.
Amy Warden
Yes, it should be a permanent fix!! She’s already feeling better too. I hope mine goes as smoothly! Thanks for the love! 🥰